Rockin News

Monday, May 7, 2012

Updates, Videos, and Links, OhMy!

Hey Guys..
Thank You to all who viewed and commented on Camo Underwear on YouTube. We're glad you enjoyed it!


Pets for Vets is a $50,000 Pepsi Refresh Grant Recipient
 Thanks to all of you who voted online, on Facebook and by text.  Pets for Vets finished in the top 10 in December.  We couldn't have done it without you!
 Pets for Vets has received the first half of the grant and will use it to expand the program to other areas.  Thanks for all of your support!

With Memorial Day 2012 coming up May 28th, we have posted up two new video tributes on our main station site, on our "tribute to the troops" page, including a Memorial Day tribute. But we're going to warn you too..
the Memorial Day tribute is very powerful, and unless you're completely inhuman, will likely require several tissues.

We have some new additions we'd like you to check out, and one we'd like to remind you of.
Let's do the reminder first...

The Veterans Site

This site offers tons of great merchandise, plus one thing we reaaaaaally really want you to do!
Once you hit that link, at the top in the middle you'll see a blue box that says "Click here to give - it's FREE".
By clicking that link, you will help so many vets with free meals! There are way too many homeless and hungry vets out there, and this is such an easy way to please please.. add it to your daily routine, and click often!, It's totally free to you (their sponsors take care of the funding..yay!). 
When you click, they display ads from their site sponsors. 100% of the money from these advertisers goes to their charity partners, who fund programs to provide meals for homeless and hungry U.S. veterans.Their store gives a portion of every purchase to their charity partners too. Please tell your friends too!!

Here's the newer one we'd like you to know about and take some action on if you're moved to do so, (and we hope you are!).

Honor Flight


Our mission is to fly WWII veterans and terminally ill veterans from other wars to see their memorials in Washington, DC.
                                              TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE
As the last of the Greatest Generation approach their final curtain call, we are witnesses to a tremendous loss as we embrace a precious opportunity. One WWII veteran passes away every 90 seconds. They take their stories and history and enormous bravery with them. But many are among us still. There is no earthly way we can approach a gift that reflects our depth of gratitude. But we thank them anyway. With YOUR HELP we thank them.
Please… Help Honor Flight FLY.

We thank you for your support, both of us and the station, we're glad you're enjoying the tunes, and  remember ... keep rockin!! 

We're going to leave you with a celebration video the 235th Birthday party held at the Palm Springs USO for the United States Marines.  Enjoy!!