We are pleased and proud to announce the start of our yearly drive to provide our deployed troops with phone cards so they can call their loved ones during the Holiday Season. You'll be hearing our DJ's talk about this on their Talk Spots, and any help you can provide will surely be appreciated. We already have several people working to get kids drawing and writing Christmas/Holiday cards for our troops, and into each we'd love to put a phone card from you all. We can't tell you how many times we've been told how much it means to just have a tiny little taste of home, from the personal hand of someone who's taken the time to show their love, thoughts and appreciation. The men and women who serve don't care if it's drawn perfectly, or if the colors match, or even that they have no clue who the child or person signing the card is... only that it's contact with home, with people who have not forgotten them, and send their love and thoughts at this special, and for many, very hard time of year. So let's get on it and see what we can do to lighten the Season for these wonderful people who are not at their own homes this year.... let's send them the sound of their children, their wives or husbands, mothers or fathers... let's send them that little bit of home that is so meaningful to them while they are over there standing watch for US.
contact one of our dj's for how to donate...or just hit that donate button on the main bich1radio page....
thanks for your help and generosity!!! we love ya, and rock ON!
Friday, December 3, 2010
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Our New Friend!!
hi everyone...
we're putting up this post to let you all know something we're very excited about, and we need your help. this one is easy tho, and won't cost you a thing.
we have recently met and added to our group of friends an organization called Pets For Vets.
below you'll find their website addy and some information about who they are and what they do, and how it joins with us helping our troops. Right now, there's a push on tho, and we need your help on it. This is a time sensitive thing guys, so please read and help us help them out by casting your votes! It all counts..more than you know!
we're putting up this post to let you all know something we're very excited about, and we need your help. this one is easy tho, and won't cost you a thing.
we have recently met and added to our group of friends an organization called Pets For Vets.
below you'll find their website addy and some information about who they are and what they do, and how it joins with us helping our troops. Right now, there's a push on tho, and we need your help on it. This is a time sensitive thing guys, so please read and help us help them out by casting your votes! It all counts..more than you know!

Please Vote Pets for Vets for $50,000 Pepsi Refresh Grant in October
October 1st:
Unfortunately Pets for Vets was not one of the $50,000 Pepsi Refresh Challenge winners. However, thanks to our many friends and supporters nationwide Pets for Vets decided to re-enter the contest for a $50,000 grant. We need to be in the top 10 to win! Every vote counts.
To help us win $50,000 please log on to http://www.refresheverything.com/petsforveterans, sign in (you cannot vote unless you sign-in) and vote for Pets for Vets. Remember to check the vote counter at the bottom of the page to be sure your vote registered, it should change from 10 to 9. The "Pepsi beverage" sound doesn't mean you have voted. We hope you will support our bid for the top prize by voting every day through October 31st.
Pets for Vets, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to providing a second chance for shelter pets by rescuing, training and pairing them with America’s veterans who could benefit from having a companion animal.
Pets for Vets is rebuilding the lives of U.S servicemen and women through the unconditional love of a rescued pet. Many of our veterans suffer from physical and emotional injuries making it difficult to transition back to civilian life. Pets for Vets believes that companion animals can be a life saving therapy or friend that many returning servicemen and women need. Your support helps us match a rescued companion dog or pet with an American veteran who would benefit from having a companion. In accomplishing this mission we do not want to create an additional burden on the veteran; with each match we provide all of the necessary equipment for them to start their new life together. In addition, the pet will be healthy and up to date on all vaccinations. A $50,000 Pepsi Refresh Grant will help us to ensure that they have everything they need. To find out more about Pets for Vets please visit http://www.pets-for-vets.com
What you can do to help:
- Register at www.refresheverything.com (they don’t spam)
- Vote daily during October at RrefreshEverything.com/petsforveterans
- Text * 103054 to Pepsi (73774)
- Spread the word on Facebook, Myspace, Twitter and other social networking tools, email all of your friends. You can also use your Facebook account to vote.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Happy Second Anniversary!!

it's almost August 22nd..and it's our second anniversary.
let's take a look back.
one day couple years ago...i got an email. it was from a soldier in Iraq.. and all he wanted to do was thank me for the music..for giving him a taste of home while he was a long ways from it.
something inside me jumped a bit.
my husband was military...
my husband was a musician...
and it was like i was being told... do something...DO something!
then... cuz my head's a little dense..
the idea finally solidified.... combine them...
give the music...give the gift... pay it back..
say the thanks.
and our mission came to life
since that time... you...our listeners...YOU..have graciously and generously allowed us to say it with you, and for you. to this date we have sent hundreds of phonecards for our troops to call their loved ones, to hear the voices they long to hear.
we have shipped dozens and dozens of packages to them.
giftcards, home baked goodies..
razors, sunscreen, lipbalm, snacks, trail bars and trail mix...
soap, lotions, aloe vera, playing cards, magazines, books
batteries..discs... just whatever they ask for that is needed.
but always... always in those packages is thoughts...good wishes, love, and care.... a way to let them know that we have not, and never will forget that they are there to fight OUR fight, to protect US, to give the most precious gift they can give.
we know that what has been sent is appreciated, very much so, and we thank you, one and all.
we will continue, with your support, to send everything we can put together. we will continue to pay it back...we will continue to send our prayers, thoughts, and our hearts, all wrapped in rock and roll. we will continue to send a taste of home to those we love. Thank you, bich1radio listeners and friends... thank you for your assistance and your generosity... we are honored to do what we can, and humbled by your help and generosity.
rock on, bich1radio... ROCK ON!!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Still Touching Our Hearts

In 1992, Mike Corrado bought his first guitar, learned three chords and started writing songs while at The Citadel. He then graduated and joined the Marine Corps to lead our nation's finest and see the world. His tours – both of duty and concert – would take him around the world, serving and performing from the North Carolina Coast to Iraq. Along the way, Mike crossed musical paths with Edwin McCain and John Mayer.
Then, on September 11, the world and Mike’s band was forever changed. Mike and his fiancĂ©, a flight medic in the U.S. Air Force Reserve, were mobilized back to active duty. In 2002, Mike continued to train with the Marines and prepare for deployment. He married his wife Kate, who soon after was called to Afghanistan. During all this, Mike penned the song "On My Watch Tonight," a story of a Marine's journey from boot camp to the front lines.
In 2004, Mike re-recorded “On My Watch Tonight” and dropped off a copy to Greg Brady at WRHT 96.3 – “The HOT FM” – in North Carolina. “On My Watch Tonight” was posted on the HOT Morning Show's Web site and began receiving up to 5,000 downloads a week. Calls and e-mails continued to flood the station as military members, family members and fans were downloading the song and sending it to service members and loved ones across the country and deployed around the world. “On My Watch Tonight” was quickly becoming the anthem for U.S. troops deployed around the world and those here at home who keep a watchful eye.
Just days before deploying to Iraq in 2005, Mike released his CD Falling Awake. While in Iraq, he spent a year at Camp Falluja and served with some of the greatest people in the Marine Corps, Army, Navy and Air Force.
To listen to Mike Corrado’s “On My Watch Tonight” song and view photos taken in Iraq, click here.
Take a look at Mike's Web site at www.mikecorrado.com
Monday, May 31, 2010
A Poem For The Troops

Stand up and show your pride
for the soldiers that fight for you.
Honor them and give them thanks
for everything they have been through.
They fight for their country, for freedom
and for their fellow man.
Dealing with hardships and dangers
in those foreign lands.
Side by side they fight
at the enemy line.
Serving and protecting
the country they left behind.
for the soldiers that fight for you.
Honor them and give them thanks
for everything they have been through.
They fight for their country, for freedom
and for their fellow man.
Dealing with hardships and dangers
in those foreign lands.
Side by side they fight
at the enemy line.
Serving and protecting
the country they left behind.
So to each brave soldier
we should stand and say
we should stand and say
THANK YOU and may God Bless
and protect you everyday.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Holiday visit home

We at Bich1radio have published many pictures of our military personel and their hardships.
We thought it would be nice to publish a picture from some of our servicemen listeners that are currently stateside.
The proud parents of this young Marine contacted us and wanted to share a photo of their son on a holiday visit. This young Marine hasn't been deployed yet. He and his family enjoy listening to the station, and we will be going along with him when and if he is deployed, as with all of our military personel. Bich1radio stands behind them 100%. With you, our listeners, helping us with your generous donations, we are able to continue to not just support, but actually help supply them with a few comforts of home. We thank them for their service, God bless them, both stateside and those in harm's way. Semper Fi...from Bich
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Troop Care Package Updates
Bich1radio would like to inform you all, from your generous donations we were able to send four care package boxes to Iraq . Military personel totally 50 soldiers per unit, recieved 100's of razors, peanut butter crackers, Juice boxes and numerous of other snacks and personal care items. Along with these items every soldier recieved a greeting card sending them all of our support, love and thoughts. It was extremely and greatly appeciated by each and every soldier.
In Asia the airbourne soldiers recieved two care package boxes. Containing home baked cookies from two of our DJ's and their family totalling several dozens of baked goods. Which they shared with their entire units, consisting of 20 soldiers per unit. Recieved an email back they were extremely grateful for the kindness of being able to have some home made goodies MMMMMMMMMMMM..............
The donations we have been recieving weekly are adding up thanks to you listeners. Im pleased to inform y'all we will be sending additional packages/phonecards/gift cards in the next week or two. Some of the donations takes care of shipping cost for overseas. I personally see that every cent is going directly to our troops. Here at Bich1radio we cannot thank you enough for your generosity in the donations to make this ALL possible.
Thank you,
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