Rockin News

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Happy Second Anniversary!!

it's almost August 22nd..and it's our second anniversary.
let's take a look back.

one day couple years ago...i got an email. it was from a soldier in Iraq.. and all he wanted to do was thank me for the music..for giving him a taste of home while he was a long ways from it.
something inside me jumped a bit.
my husband was military...
my husband was a musician...
and it was like i was being told... do something...DO something!
then... cuz my head's a little dense..
the idea finally solidified.... combine them...
give the music...give the gift... pay it back..
say the thanks.

and our mission came to life
since that time... you...our listeners...YOU..have graciously and generously allowed us to say it with you, and for you. to this date we have sent hundreds of phonecards for our troops to call their loved ones, to hear the voices they long to hear.

we have shipped dozens and dozens of packages to them.
giftcards, home baked goodies..
razors, sunscreen, lipbalm, snacks, trail bars and trail mix...
soap, lotions, aloe vera, playing cards, magazines, books
batteries..discs... just whatever they ask for that is needed.

but always... always in those packages is thoughts...good wishes, love, and care.... a way to let them know that we have not, and never will forget that they are there to fight OUR fight, to protect US, to give the most precious gift they can give.
we know that what has been sent is appreciated, very much so, and we thank you, one and all.

we will continue, with your support, to send everything we can put together. we will continue to pay it back...we will continue to send our prayers, thoughts, and our hearts, all wrapped in rock and roll. we will continue to send a taste of home to those we love. Thank you, bich1radio listeners and friends... thank you for your assistance and your generosity... we are honored to do what we can, and humbled by your help and generosity.
rock on, bich1radio... ROCK ON!!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Still Touching Our Hearts

In 1992, Mike Corrado bought his first guitar, learned three chords and started writing songs while at The Citadel. He then graduated and joined the Marine Corps to lead our nation's finest and see the world. His tours – both of duty and concert – would take him around the world, serving and performing from the North Carolina Coast to Iraq. Along the way, Mike crossed musical paths with Edwin McCain and John Mayer.

Then, on September 11, the world and Mike’s band was forever changed. Mike and his fiancĂ©, a flight medic in the U.S. Air Force Reserve, were mobilized back to active duty. In 2002, Mike continued to train with the Marines and prepare for deployment. He married his wife Kate, who soon after was called to Afghanistan. During all this, Mike penned the song "On My Watch Tonight," a story of a Marine's journey from boot camp to the front lines.

In 2004, Mike re-recorded “On My Watch Tonight” and dropped off a copy to Greg Brady at WRHT 96.3 – “The HOT FM” – in North Carolina. “On My Watch Tonight” was posted on the HOT Morning Show's Web site and began receiving up to 5,000 downloads a week. Calls and e-mails continued to flood the station as military members, family members and fans were downloading the song and sending it to service members and loved ones across the country and deployed around the world. “On My Watch Tonight” was quickly becoming the anthem for U.S. troops deployed around the world and those here at home who keep a watchful eye.

Just days before deploying to Iraq in 2005, Mike released his CD Falling Awake. While in Iraq, he spent a year at Camp Falluja and served with some of the greatest people in the Marine Corps, Army, Navy and Air Force.

To listen to Mike Corrado’s “On My Watch Tonight” song and view photos taken in Iraq, click here.

Take a look at Mike's Web site at