We are pleased and proud to announce the start of our yearly drive to provide our deployed troops with phone cards so they can call their loved ones during the Holiday Season. You'll be hearing our DJ's talk about this on their Talk Spots, and any help you can provide will surely be appreciated. We already have several people working to get kids drawing and writing Christmas/Holiday cards for our troops, and into each we'd love to put a phone card from you all. We can't tell you how many times we've been told how much it means to just have a tiny little taste of home, from the personal hand of someone who's taken the time to show their love, thoughts and appreciation. The men and women who serve don't care if it's drawn perfectly, or if the colors match, or even that they have no clue who the child or person signing the card is... only that it's contact with home, with people who have not forgotten them, and send their love and thoughts at this special, and for many, very hard time of year. So let's get on it and see what we can do to lighten the Season for these wonderful people who are not at their own homes this year.... let's send them the sound of their children, their wives or husbands, mothers or fathers... let's send them that little bit of home that is so meaningful to them while they are over there standing watch for US.
contact one of our dj's for how to donate...or just hit that donate button on the main bich1radio page....
thanks for your help and generosity!!! we love ya, and rock ON!