Hello, everyone!
We are starting our fall fundraiser for our troops! We are raising money now for our Christmas care packages. Christmas is right around the corner, and it takes quite awhile to get to our troops overseas, so let's get started!
We need donations to provide our troops with items such as personal care products, phone cards, gift cards so they can purchase items from the local PX, batteries, SNACKS!!! They need some holiday candies and hot chocolate over there! We will also have a link on here for http://www.letssaythanks.com/ , sponsored by Xerox. Here, you can send postcards to the troops for FREE...the cards are adorable, all drawn by children. You can choose to use one of the pre-printed messages or personalize your card. There is another free site where you can help fund meals for veterans with just a click. IT'S FREE...you click, you feed a homeless vet. What could be easier? The link is http://www.theveteranssite.com/ . So, let's start early with the cards, and get to clickin to feed the homeless veterans! A little goes a long ways...we all know the economy sucks and there isn't much extra to go around. Give what you can, or do the free stuff! Let's all get in on this together and show those far from home a little love and appreciation!
Keep Rockin' as always,