It's that time! We are now four years old and still kickin some rock n roll ass!
That's something that's not going to change. We thank each and every one of you, our listeners, for all your contributions and support throughout the last four years, and we look forward to many more years with all y'all! We will continue to offer you the absolute most kick ass rock on the net today, from old school rock all the way up to what was just released yesterday.
As always, y'all feel free to add our DJs to your instant messengers (our addresses are on our schedule page, just scroll down the page a bit), and hit us up with your requests and feedback.

Now we have some new things for you too!
We have added a new contact on our Friends and Partners page, Homes For Our Troops. Please go check them out, it's a superlative organization, and we feel they deserve our utmost support.
We also want to address something that a few people have mentioned to us. With all the political rhetoric going on these days, people seem to be under the impression that, well, to put it bluntly, that supporting our military personnel is "over". We hear things like "well they're all coming home now", or "the war is pretty much over over there". As many of you who have relatives in the service know, it's very much not over, and our family members and friends are still deployed, and very often in harm's way. We in the U.S. have troops deployed all over the world. Many other countries do also, and we support them and their families just as firmly. We are, however, expanding our thoughts and services to our now returning military people also, which is why over the last year or so we have begun putting up links to organizations such as Homes For Our Troops, Pets For Vets, and Make The Connection.
Our returning military often come back to us feeling out of place, disconnected, traumatized and distressed. In this very rough economy, they come home to no jobs, and sometimes no places to even call home. A great many people have suffered severe financial distress over the last several years, and this is affecting our returning troops also. These people have done so much, sacrificed so much, and in some cases given their very lives for what we here at home safely have. We now wish to bring all this to your attention, so that you can join us if you wish in making their transitions home more successful. We want to be part of helping, and we think you may too. With this in our hearts and minds, we now open our fall/Christmas donation drive.
Rest assured that every dollar you may donate will go to our troops, either our deployed or our returning troops, in the form of care packages or whatever they may need. Just hit our main site page (Bich1Radio) and slap that little donation button you'll find on the right side of the page. We will continue to do what we can, where we can, and when we can, and we hope that y'all will also keep this in your hearts and help us help them!
Thanks once again for all y'all do for us and with us..
Let's keep rockin!!!
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