Today we heard from a young wife of one of our deployed men. Her husband is overseas, along with so many others. She had heard from him that his unit had received some packages from Bich1Radio, and she wanted to get ahold of us to thank us, and to let other wives and spouses know about us also. Ya know, it's funny... she sought us out to thank us...
Here's the thing... the thanks do NOT belong to us here at Bich1Radio.
The thanks belong to the fine men and women who are so far away, standing the wall for us here at home.
The thanks belong to the spouses and families of those men and women, who put up with so much, and have to live their lives for a while without the person they love by their sides.
The thanks belong to YOU our listeners for your donations, without which we would not be able to help much at all, other than the music we play, hoping that the ones we all love will hear it, and have a short, small taste of home.
We have always, and WILL always support our men and women in the military. By extension, we also support their families and loved ones any way we are able.
Below are some pics that were shared with us to share with all y'all. These is one of the units who have gotten the boxes y'all so generously filled with goods to send. (The backgrounds, insignias, and names have been scrambled to protect them and their locations.)But there are many more we'd like to help... so please... hit that donation button on our main site Bich1Radio, and rest assured that, as always, every penny you donate goes exactly where you mean it to... to our TROOPS.
Thank YOU, men and women of service, and to your families. We will keep the home fires burning for you, our hearts warm for you, and prayers on our lips and in our hearts for your speedy and safe return to us here at home. May God bless each and every one of you, and hold you all safe in His hands.
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